Saturday, March 15, 2014

Creat Free phpBB forum to Support Your Blog with Free Web Hosting

Create phpBB Forum to support Blogger Blog

Blogger in very popular on nowadays, but if you need forum to support and got back-link to your blog, This idea can guide you how we can create that?

IDEA Concept are:

I choose phpBB for this demo because phpBB is very popular free cms platform like blogger, for domain name I use dot tk to demo because it free and support custom domain name setting, for web hosting service I choose 000webhost as server support because free service and have data transfer 100GB/months for a free account plan.

Step for Create phpBB forum with free web hosting to Support Blogger Blog:

STEP 1: Register free dot tk domain name by go to dot tk page: After received dot tk account go to setting custom domain name DNS servers to,
STEP 2: Register free 000webhost and click Create New button then fill your dot tk domain name and click Set up new account
Then Go to cPanel link ->My SQL for create new mysql database
STEP 3: Download phpBB core by go to phpbb page: STEP 4: Extract file phpBB to your local drive then use file zilla for upload file to 000webhost server:
STEP 5: Open web browser like Mozilla Firefox and type URL address: Then press Install tab for begin installing process and Proceed to next step button
Then press Start Install button and fill your database configuration:
If your fill data config corrected your must got message "Successful connection" Then press Process to next step button and set your board administrator user:
Then press Proceed to next step button If your fill data corrected must got message "Tests passed" Then press Proceed to next step button Message: The configuration file has been written. You may now proceed to the next step of the installation. Then press Proceed to next step button for check or edit your board details Message: The database tables used by phpBB 3.0 have been created and populated with some initial data. Proceed to the next screen to finish installing phpBB. Then press Proceed to next step button
Log in by your administrator user for manage content inside your board for finish. NOTE: Latest update phpBB-3.0.12 on Dec 25, 2013 After create your board finish you can create link from your blog to forum support again. See sample demo for this tutorial at link:

Share some idea what do you think?

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