There is a clear correlation between the number of trades you make and your gains.
The less you trade, the more you will probably earn on the stock market.
A friend of mine has made a million euros on his stocks over the past few years.
He only bought.
And sold nothing.
The same is basically true with trading and scalping.
The less you scalp, the more money you'll probably make.
That means that the real work is to separate the wheat from the chaff, right?
Namely, to only enter trades that are worth taking.
And to let the others go...
I had to learn the hard way and lost a lot of money with my "overtrading."
I just didn't have the patience to wait for the right opportunities.
I always wanted to "do something."
And that is exactly the trap that the stock market sets for beginners.
And it is very good at it!
Don't get caught in the trap, and don't settle for low-quality trades!
The stock market is full of noise.
That's why the simpler your scalping strategy is, the greater the chance that you will become profitable.
Because the human brain can process very little information at the same time.
You don't watch 5 crime movies at the same time, do you?
I want to show you a way to drastically simplify your scalping strategy.
I do it in 5 steps:
1 simplify charts
2 remove all superfluous indicators
3 leave out overinterpretations
4 scalp less rather than scalping more
5 trade only first-class signals
As you can see, all 5 steps have something to do with "omitting".
Success in the stock market has more to do with omitting than with adding.
But you should watch my advice right now in this video. Here I explain it to you in detail.