Friday, December 11, 2020

10 Years Bitcoin Price Table

Bitcoin Historical Prices

The price of Bitcoin in USD is reported by Coindesk. All prices on this page are nominal (i.e., they are not indexed to inflation).

New Beginnings · At the start of 2011, you could buy 1 Bitcoin for $0.30! The currency experienced a spike to above $15, but ended the year around $3. By the end of 2012, Bitcoin had rallied to $12.56. During 2013, Bitcoin rose steadily to $198.51 by November, but experienced a significant spike, ending the month at $946.92.

Volatility · 2014 was the only year so far in which Bitcoin ended lower than it started. After continuing the rally from the previous year, it peaked around $850 in February and ended the year down at $378.64. The price of a Bitcoin continued to decrease for a few months in 2015, but increased toward the end of the year to $362.73 on December 1st.

Growth · 2016 and 2017 have seen steadily rising prices, with a large spike at the end of 2017. Prices declined significantly in 2018, but rebounded in 2019, although they have not quite reached their 2017 peak.

Bitcoin Price Table (Yearly)

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