Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How to clone USB Drive from Master to New one?

As you already knew that, if you just have personal files and documents on the drive, you can easy backup data by copy from another file or folder to new folder directly. BUT if you drive is bootable or has multiple partitions, just copying the files won’t cut it. The tool we’ll cover here will perform an exact copy of the contents of the drive, including its master boot record (MBR), slack space, and any unused space. This allows you to perform exact copies of a USB drive, even if it has multiple partitions and a master boot record. The resulting image can be copied to another USB flash drive, so you can easily duplicate a drive or create an exact image of a bootable drive for use later.

How to clone USB Drive from Master to New one?

I recommend ImageUSB for this. It’s a free, lightweight utility that runs on Windows. You should also ensure that you’re restoring the image of your USB drive to a drive with a similar size. The byte-for-byte copying process will make an exact copy, which means some of the space may be inaccessible if you move an image from a smaller drive to a larger drive. For example, let’s say you have a 4 GB USB flash drive and you create an image of it. You then write that image to a 12 GB flash drive — only 4 GB of that 12 GB flash drive will be accessible. The reverse is also problematic — create an image of a 12 GB drive and you won’t be able to copy it to a 4 GB drive later, even if there was less than 4 GB of data on the 12 GB drive. After you download and install the imageUSB tool already, Then insert master USB Drive to the port and run imageUSB tool, then follow 2 step below:  

1. Preparing to Create An Image Of A USB Drive Select the Create from UFD option to create an image from a USB flash drive. Select a location for the resulting file — the file will have the .bin file extension as it’s a binary file representing the contents of the drive. Click Create Image and ImageUSB will create an image from the USB drive. If you leave the Post Image Verification check box enabled — that’s the default — ImageUSB will scan your image or flash drive after the process completes to ensure the image copied correctly. You can back up this image file or do whatever else you like with it. You’ll need ImageUSB to write the image to a USB flash drive in the future.  

2. Write an Image To One Or More Flash Drives Insert new USB drive into the computer, open ImageUSB tool, and select the drives you want to write to. Select the Write to UDF option to write an image to a USD flash drive. Browse to a .bin file created with ImageUSB and click Write to UFD to write the contents of the image to the USB flash drives you selected. Note that ImageUSB can only use .bin files created with ImageUS You can writed backup image file to new USB drive more than one. Also, you can use DOS command to clone the usb drive from master to new one too by follow comand:
 xcopy H:\*.* G: /e /h /k
by H is master drive and G is new one drive  

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