Friday, July 18, 2014

How to Backup and Restore Blogger Template ?

Backup and Restore Blogger Template is Easy

For my experience guide, If we must modify something about blogger template for protect some mistake we must backup old template for recovery first !

How Step to Backup Blogger template ?

STEP 1: Go to Blogger Dashboard ->>Template ->>Backup / Restore button
STEP 2: Then click at Download full template link and Press OK for backup file destination store

How Step to Restore Blogger template ?

STEP 1: In same template dashboard click Backup / Restore button
STEP 2: Then click Browse button for select your template file store ->>Open ->>click Upload
STEP 3: Testing your new template can work correctly ? by click View blog button on your dashboard NOTE: If something not properly working, you must fix the bug or restore your old blogger template for recovery.  

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