Saturday, May 31, 2014

How to Creating Author Bio Box in Blogger

Creating Author Bio Box in Blogger

Author Bio Box is very popular in today, Blogger use bio box for introduce author or blogger write some experience to guideline for reader follow his blog. Ads

This's EASY step for guide you for create simple your bio box by yourself:

STEP 1: Login to blogger ->Go to Dashborad and click Templates buton ->Then click Edit HTML Then press Ctr + F for finding </b:skin> tag in document -- Then paste CSS Code below before area ]]</b:skin>

Sample CSS Code:

.about-author-box { background:#EBF3FB none repeat scroll 0 0; border:1px solid #D4E2E8; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em; margin:0 0 20px; padding:10px; } .about-author-box img { background:#FFFFFF none repeat scroll 0 0; border:1px solid #9ED0DE; display:inline; float:left; margin:0 15px 0 0; }

STEP 2: Find these codes in the same document

<div class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-1′> 

Then just after <div class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-1′> place these codes -

<div class=’about-author-box’> <img alt=’Author name‘ height=’100′ src=’Author image URL here‘ width=’100′/> <h4>Author : <a href=’Author profile URL here‘ target=’_blank’><></a></h4> <p> Author’s short intro here</p> </div> </b:if>

Then CHANGE Author name, Author image URL, Author profile URL and Author’s short intro

STEP 3: Now click “Save template” that’s it finish ….

Recommend Blogger eBook:

This book provides everything about blogger platform for you need to knows blogging. Blogger for dummies popular eBook

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How to fix bX- error in blogger?

Nowadays, When I edit my blogger template for add something to look modern, But when I import to instead of the older found some error like this:

We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request. When reporting this error to Blogger Support or on the Blogger Help Group, please: Describe what you were doing when you got this error. Provide the following error code. bX-8qgzek This information will help us to track down your specific problem and fix it! We apologize for the inconvenience. Close

Some Guide to Fixed the bX-error in Blogger

These bX- errors are cause from you are editing template, upload picture, edit profile or choosing a wrong syntax with blogger rule

How we can fixed this bX- error:

STEP 1: Delete your browser cookies or history cache first

STEP 2: Go to your blogger template > edit html Then manually remove widget codes inside before trying to install. Sample: <b:widget> .... </b:widget> NOTE: For my blogger template i test to rename my pagelist id, and every thing can resolved too: <b:widget id="PageList88" locked="false" title="Pages - Menu" type="PageList"> .... </b:widget>

STEP 3: Reimport your template or click save template inside

STEP 4: Preview your blog for testing before finish *RESOURCE:

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

How to Enable and Customize Blogger Robots.txt File

Robots.txt is simply a TEXT file containing certain rules to control the way search engines behave with your site. It is just a TEXT file and can be created using any Text Editor such as Notepad and must be present in the root directory of your site.

Step for Enable and Customize Blogger Robots.txt File

STEP 1: Log on to your blogger account ->Go to Dashboard ->Settings ->Search preferences ->then click Edit link on Custom robots.txt line
STEP 2: Fill the robots code in the box then press Save changes button
By default blogger robots.txt contains the following content: User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Also, We can Custom robots header tags like sample picture below too:
I write this article for reference my blogger robots.txt file only and If someone unknown about this setting, I willing to share too..:) Resource:
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How to set AOL Mail account on Android Phone?

Since, June 2013 I call myself is weekly freelancer blogger, BUT my full time job is Sr.Engineer in system & software engineering. Because my lifestyle must go outdoor and trouble shooting about system and software onsite jobs. I have my favorite android phone like HTC One X+ for checking mail and seo online tool to monitor my blog readers, and today I have AOL account and set AOL mail to default account on my android phone. If someone have lifestyle like me, this article must show you How we can set AOL Mail account on Android Phone?

Step for manually setup AOL or AIM email account on HTC One X+ Phone?

STEP 1: On Android Home Screen, tab at Email icon
and Select Other (POP3/IMAP menu)
STEP 2: Fill Your email address and password, then tab at Manual setup
STEP 3: Stelect IMAP account and fill details like this: For Incomming Server setting IMAP Server: Port : Either 993 or 143 (very infrequently 585) Security type: SSL
STEP 4: tab at Next button For Outcomming Server setting SMTP Server : Port : Either 25 or 465 (very infrequently 2525) Security type : SSL
tab at Next button
Then tab at Finish setup Now you can check your AOL mails from Android phone. NOTE: For for capture screen on HTC One+ we can action by Press Power button + Home icon on HTC Device. Interesting Communities:
Related this topic: How to set AOL Mail account on Android Phone? How to add my android phone to Firefox Sync?  

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to Drive Traffic Your Blog from Google Search?

Getting traffic from search engine is hard working..buying traffic is easy..but you know Organic traffic (Search traffic) is the best traffic for your blog or business.. as it sends you most targeted traffic, How we can get more visitor to our blog? Please read this basic step

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